Friday, September 18, 2009



1. Apakah Etiquette At Work
2. Basic rule
There are some basic rules one must follow in order to blend quickly and to earn the respect of co-workers and managers alike:
1) Conversation. Keep a distance of approximately 18 to 20 inches from the people you are talking to. Keep an eye contact and give your undivided attention to the person speaking at the time.
2) Respect of Position. In any company, a position or rank means the level of power. When you engage in informal conversation with your superiors, keep a respectful distance. Do not do backslapping, elbowing, or other touching that gives the idea of close friendship or intimacy that does not exist. If you have a high position, address your subordinates who are older than you with respect and politeness.
3) Help. The best way to get the help you need for an assignment is to give it. If a co-worker is using his lunch hour to finish a project and you are available, offer your help with no strings attached. This person will be very happy to help you when you need it. If a co-worker uses his lunch hour to help you, a Thank You card, a small gift, or a lunch invitation is very appropriate.
4) Compliments. Always pay compliments when they are due and deserved. When you do that you lift up their spirits and it speaks well about you. Just be careful of not overdoing it or your words and honesty will be questioned and judged. When someone pays you a compliment, a simple “Thank You” will do wonders for you.
5) Disagreements. Choose your battles carefully. It is important that you defend your position as strong as you can. State your case and debate, but also be aware of the reaction of others. If you see they are getting resentful or annoyed, bring the conversation to an end. This way you will avoid it turns personal. Name calling weakens your arguments. Disagreements during meetings will happen, so the best way to go is to keep it as a business issue and document the outcome: this way a compromise of everyone involved will be clear. 6) Gossip. Gossip at the workplace happens all the time and it is inevitable. Keep your private life in private. Answering personal information, even if it sounds innocent, can set you up for gossip. If you are the object of gossip, find the source and confront this person in private, not with anger, but with concern, kindness and firmness. If you like hearing gossip, you are participating and you are also to blame for the harm this gossip does to a person. If you are asked to participate in gossip, refuse in a tactful and firm manner.

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